Ilse-jacobsen-icon-192x192.png in Ålsgårde

5 resultater for Ilse-jacobsen-icon-192x192.png

Ilse Jacobsen

For more than 20 years, the idyllic seaside village and summer resort of Hornbæk, which is famous for its wide sandy beaches and dunes, has been a constant source of inspiration for Danish Designer Ilse Jacobsen's work and creativity.

Holmene Ejendom I/S Ilse Rohde Jacobsen Jesper Bo Hansen

  • Holmenevej 31, c/o Ilse Jacobsen, 3140 Ålsgårde
  • 49 70 41 76

For more than 20 years, the idyllic seaside village and summer resort of Hornbæk, which is famous for its wide sandy beaches and dunes, has been a constant source of inspiration for Danish Designer Ilse Jacobsen's work and creativity.

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