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Anna Maria Helgadottir Art Hannah Heilmann Ingen Frygt Ingenfrygt Ingeni?rer Tegnestür Diverse Installations Kommerciel Grafisk Design Musicvideo Musicvideos Party Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir Video Videos Working Party


Ingen frygt is the name of the collective consciousnes
of three artists: Anna María Helgadóttir, Hannah Heilmann,
Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir.
Ingen frygt started out being an art group but has now become
an independent fourth persona with an uncontrolable mind.
The work of this persona is best characterized as schizophrenic expressionism.
One of its many obsessions is exploring the politics of symbolism and making self portraits that mirror its present state of mind and latest fascinations.
Ingen Frygt has existed since 2001.

Bedøm Sigrun.Nu

* Obligatoriske felter
Letzte Aktualisierung: 01.01.1970 01:00
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